Sunday 1 July 2012

Busy days

Before I start the post proper today, I'd like to welcome Howard to Inso's world. He's the latest follower to see the beacon and has arrived to wander the paths in safety. Welcome Howard... I hope you enjoy your explorations here and feel free to comment an what you find.

There are definitely times in life where everything catches up with you and I think that this week has been one of those times. As everyone is aware, the armed forces has been undergoing a bit of a restructure recently and I went to a leaving do for some of those who were leaving the RAF for one reason or another (including compulsory redundancy). As a result, my week has been a little melancholy because there were some good mates taking the step back to civvy-hood.

The trouble is, I'd normally buy something to cheer myself up but due to my son's phone-bill bomb-shell has put paid to that... so I decided to continue with my writing and have finished this story:

...and have started this one:

Take a look, see what you think and let me know.

On top of that, I have mostly NOT been doing any sculpting because I have certainly not been in the right frame of mind for it. What I have been doing instead is to assemble a few of these:

Click the Pic!

That is two squads of nine Clankers waiting for their comms robots to join their squads (don't tell anyone but they are on their way from the USA as we speak... I couldn't help it).

In other news, I am now OFFICIALLY an awesome dad. Why? Because when I am asked to do stuff I am fairly broad minded... so out came the clippers and scissors... and this is what my daughter ended up like:

Click the Pic!

... and that was AFTER she got some interesting eye-wear for her birthday:

Click the Pic!

Today she is going to be tearing up the town whilst meeting a friend... all I can say there is heaven help him.

All that STUFF and I didn't even mention that my son went to his end of year prom-night on Friday...

...You can see that this has been a week of all sorts other than hobby-stuff... which is good sometimes.

I'm sure you agree.

See you from the spire!

1 comment:

Lord Siwoc said...

Busy dad indeed! And a great dad!!!

Haircut came out pretty great!

I really love The Bauhaus walkers!