Saturday 4 April 2009

A day early...but...

It is Saturday and Inso has sent a few pix...

...but before we get on to that, I'd like to welcome Soapy and Rob, our latest two followers! Welcome aboard :) !

The first pic in today's update is a further WIP of the ship's crew. This is the only painting that has been accomplished on the crew and it is the start of the Mystics:

Click the pic!

As you can see, there is still a whole lot of work to do on these but it is a start. The dark green has been chosen to tie them all together as Sensai and pupils. The Sensai looks so delicate...but don't get on her bad side, she'll fry your mind with a glance!

Next is another of last year's Salute purchases. Funnily enough, it seems to be another batch of aliens. These are from Copplestone Castings and Inso has named them his 'Alien Landing Party':

Click the pic!

The pack is made up of five standing aliens and one in a weird crouching pose. Inso didn't know what to do with the crouching he quickly knocked up a small, anti-gravity, support skiff. The parts for the skiff are a pair of display bases, a few bits from a 'vehicle command sprue' from GW and a bit of plasticard...all in all it took about 15 minutes to put together.


Painting has been slow because Inso has been painting his 'other' miniature. It is coming along nicely and as soon as he gets the go-ahead to show it off here, then he will do.

At the same time, the conversion of the remaining three starship crew-members has completely stopped.

On the subject of sculpting, did you know that there is a sculpting competition at Black Scorpion miniatures? Did you know that it is being advertised on the Forum of Doom (link on the right)? Did you know that the sculpting competition was to make 'Alien Critters'?...Well, you do now! Go over there, have a look at the competition and get sculpting!

There is also a sculpting competition over at Frothers Unite U.K. Inso isn't really keen on that one because it is to do with the 'zombie hunting' genre...but if you are interested, pop over to Frothers and have a look (WARNING...the language can be 'rustic' over there ;) ).

Well, that is about it for now. I hope there will be an update tomorrow...but with Inso, nothing can be certain!

Catch you later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love your little scratch-built saucer.

And the paint-job on your mystics looks to be coming on nicely.